This week I finished putting together my collection. I thought a lot about different ways of communication: from the simplest and most obvious to those, which are understandable to modern person only, from very abstract to not yet existing. I ended up with quite a varied list: Telekinesis Hypnosis Tactility Voyager disk Ultrasound (bats) Satellite… Continue reading Week 3
Category: Uncategorised
The topic of communication was quite obvious for me, as far as my field of interest is design, with is basicly visual communication. But I wanted to discover unobvious ways of it, so it can help me to come out with interesting decisions for my projects in future. In terms of categorising, the first idea… Continue reading Categorising
Fungi networks
After watching fascinating documentary on Netflix called “Fantastic Fungi” I discovered that mushrooms can also communicate. In fact, they form network between trees, so they can communicate with each other. Mycorris networks, consisting of looting mushrooms and roots of trees, help regulate the diversity and stability of ecosystems, allowing the trees to report their condition… Continue reading Fungi networks
Voyager golden record
Next addressees I wondered about were our presumed neighbours outside home planet. On February 23, Voyager Golden Disc was released for the first time – a compilation of sounds, speech and music compiled by order of NASA in 1977, called “Sounds of the Earth” and sent into space aboard the Voyager spacecraft to familiarize the… Continue reading Voyager golden record
Tarot cards
I chose tarot cards as a part of my collection for “communication” topic. I started to think of different ways of converse that people use. Firstly, some obvious came out: phone, mail, messages, talking, etc. Then I dig deeper, because we are here not to investigate basic things, aren’t we? I decided to look at… Continue reading Tarot cards
Hi there!
My name is Mariia and I started this page to share my project progress. It’s topic is “Collection”, so I need to find some taxonomies which are connected in some way and then divide them in different ways. I decided to start with selecting a topic for my collection, so it would relate to my… Continue reading Hi there!
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