Week 3

This week I finished putting together my collection. I thought a lot about different ways of communication: from the simplest and most obvious to those, which are understandable to modern person only, from very abstract to not yet existing. I ended up with quite a varied list:

  • Telekinesis
  • Hypnosis
  • Tactility
  • Voyager disk
  • Ultrasound (bats)
  • Satellite connection
  • Cable connection
  • Tarot
  • Mycelium
  • Post pigeon
  • Music
  • Ouija board
  • Dream
  • Prayer
  • Meditation
  • Writing
  • Time capsule
  • Facial expressions
  • Rock painting

So, we can sort these examples according to three criteria: chronological sequence, addressee of the message, tangibility of the message.

According to the addressee, we can split everything in human addressee and non-human addressee groups.

  • The addressee is a human: satellite and cable communications, telekinesis, hypnosis, carrier pigeon, music, tactility, writing, time capsule.
  • The addressee is not a human: meditation, prayer, sleep, Ouija board, Voyager disc, mycelium, ultrasound, Tarot cards.

In terms of chronology, we can divide them into the following groups:

  • Old communications: writing, tarot, prayer, meditation.
  • A century ago: cable, Ouija board, satellite, time capsule, hypnosis, Voyager drive.
  • Future: telekinesis.
  • Timeless communication: facial expressions, sleep, tactility.
  • Inhuman communications: ultrasound, mycelium.

If you classify my objects by tangibility, then the following groups come out:

  • Tangibles: Voyager disc, tarot, mycelium, carrier pigeon, Ouija board, time capsule, writing, rock art.
  • Intangible: telekinesis, tactility, hypnosis, ultrasound, satellite and cable communications, sleep, prayer, meditation, facial expressions.

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